
I’m G.W. age 52. I am now back to being a very active athlete thanks to SESA (now called DIPLOSOL™). Like many rheumatoid arthritis patients, it knocked me for a loop. It was set in some years ago. My rheumatologist considered the biologicals (injections) such as Humira but the potential for serious side effects turned me off. Long-term use of methotrexate, a chemotherapy agent also was a risky choice. I tried OTC “natural remedies” with very limited benefits. A good friend of mine, a doctor, suggested I try SESA tablets which worked within a few days with much less stiffness especially noted in the mornings. I am very happy to report that I am back playing paddleball competitively once again. Any time I go off the medicine, it flares up again. I have had no side effects which is remarkable. I highly recommend this medication for people who have chronic pain such as in my case due to rheumatoid arthritis.

I am a 69-year-old woman with terrible knee osteoarthritis. I used to take quite a lot of NSASIDs such as Motrin, Aleve, and Celebrex. But after reading all the toxic warnings on these NSAIDs for if you take them for more than a few days, I decided to stop taking them. My fear of bleeding, getting a heart attack, or stroke with any of these NSAIDs lead me to try SESA tablets. I have taken SESA tablets for a few years every day and no side effects have been noted plus most importantly improvement in my pain. I highly recommend it for the long-term management of pain due to arthritis. I understand DIPLOSOL™ is now on the market by prescription. It would be great to have my prescription plan cover it.

I am a 67-year-old man who has been taking SESA tablets every day for 5 years. I have had no side effects. I was worried however that possibly the SESA tablets were not as safe as the doctor told me, so I asked to be referred to a gastroenterologist who said sometimes medications can lead to stomach ulcers and you can have no symptoms. He suggested I have an upper endoscopy. The results were reassuring in that no gastric or duodenal damage was found. I was very relieved and continue to take SESA tablets. Now that SESA comes under the brand name of DIPLOSOL™, I will ask my doctor to prescribe it. I only hope my Medicare Part D will soon cover this medication.

I am a proud and now retired US Army veteran. Like many of my buddies, I deal with my joint aches and pains by taking here and there a Tylenol or Aleve or Motrin. However, they only gave short-term benefits. I needed a long-term pain reliever that was safer than these. At the Veterans Administration, I was told about SESA. I found out it is completely covered at no cost to me and I am very satisfied with it. It really helps with the pain in my joints, especially my low pain. Since DIPLOSOL™ is now on the market as a brand name for SESA, I will be asking the VA to cover it also at no cost.

I am an 87-year-old man with very stiff knee joints. I am afraid of surgery at my age so I needed something for the pain which is almost constant when I stand or walk.

I was taking a medication called salsalate for many years and found out that salsalate is a non-authorized FDA and Illegally marketed medication and is not approved by the FDA for sale or distribution. I did further research on the matter and found out that salsalate is what is called an “unapproved medication”* but is still “allowed” by the FDA to be sold since it has a very good safety record and there is nothing for pain as safe as salsalate. Since it was never approved yet still used by thousands of people in the USA, FDA turns a “blind eye” to its presence unless serious safety issues come up or until a legally authorized version is introduced.

I was told that DIPLOSOL™ is a legal version of the drug under something called the “Grandfather” clause, whatever that means.

I sure hope DIPLOSOL™ is just as effective as salsalate. I hope all pharmacies will carry it soon.

+Amneal Package Insert for Salsalate